Webinar: IoT Connected Lighting: A Design Guide

Webinar: IoT Connected Lighting: A Design Guide
  • October 14, 2020
    11:00 am - 12:00 pm

IoT Connected lighting systems provide challenges as well as opportunities for the Design Team and Owner. The IES IoT Connected Lighting Committee is in the final stages of developing a Lighting Practice publication to assist with planning. Lighting has the ability to take on a key role in developing a connected space. This session will review opportunities for connected light in typical project environments; discuss the lighting designer’s enhanced role as well as providing a knowledge base on technology options and features. Additionally, we will uncover steps to take in the planning process, discuss potential pitfalls and include a case study on a realized project.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Analyze goals and objectives for the use of connected light systems and develop a Sequence of Operations for the Owner.
  2. Explore required components for a connected light system and how to integrate them with the design team.
  3. Investigate strategies for teamwork on connected light projects.
  4. Identify key players and roles in an IoT connected project.


  • Jered Widmer, IALD (The Lighting Practice)
  • Paula Ziegenbein, LC, Assoc IALD (Hartranft Lighting Design)
  • Ardra Zinkon, CLD, IALD (Tec Studio)

Registration Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Q46xcrifQyKcADU8zT0KZA

Host: District 8 Chair Kristin Mallardi will be moderating this month’s call.